
Audit of forest estate carbon sequestration position.

Audit of forest estate carbon sequestration position.


  • Client: Forestry Tasmania
  • Scope:

    Estimation of carbon sequestration in Forestry Tasmania’s estate, and carbon storage in wood products from the forest, plus development of a basic model to allow the client to update these estimates based on changing forest and market conditions. This included:

    • review of component assumptions
    • estimation of carbon sequestration based on first principles estimates
    • estimation of carbon sequestration based on FullCAM modelling
    • benchmarking output against independent data
    • recommendations to further refine carbon estimation and verification

    (Under sub-contract to MBAC Consulting Group)

  • Benefit to Client:

    This project provided the client with an unbiased, independent estimate of carbon stored in its estate, and the basis to estimate the impact of silvicultural operations on changes this carbon store. This in turn allowed the client to manage operations to maintain carbon, and objectively address third party claims on carbon impacts.

  • Market Sector: Renewable resources - agriculture, grazing and forestry
  • Capabilities:
    • Carbon bio-sequestration
    • Native Forest Management
    • General land, water and vegetation technical services
  • Location: Tasmania
  • Year: 2007